Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chatting Biz Travel with Boingo

Know what that is? That's an excerpt from a semi-interview I gave this week for Boingo's HotSpot blog. Boingo, for the uninitiated, is the world's largest network of WiFi hotspots. When I really need to get online, their WiFi has saved my tail in far too many airports and cafes to name. So even though you won't find me flashing my face all over the internet, when Baochi at Boingo asked me--in my role at Jaunted's editor--for some business travel tips, I was like "oh, totally."

The piece--check it out here--on my tips for making Biz Travel fun includes a couple pics of me and a little bio, and I stand by everything I've said there. I write what I know.

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